Deciding on wedding guest list size is an important task and demands some time. With this article, explore tips on the wedding invitations size.
Wedding Size
Planning the wedding size is really a tough job. Right from planning and organizing to coordinating and executing, each phase of the wedding ceremony calls for a lot of attention. Deciding the size of the wedding is an important consideration to make. Along with your partner, it should be one of the primary things that one must sort out. Once the wedding invitation size is determined, rest assured that the wedding preparations would surely go smoothly. There are times, when one of the partner looks for a big wedding with the whole town invited, while the other wants an intimate affair with just a few close friends and family. In case you are in a similar tiff, worry not!! In the following lines, we have provided important information, which is sure to make your deciding on wedding guest list size, an easy task.
Deciding on Wedding Guest List Size
- Budget plays a dominant role in wedding preparations. The amount of money you spend would determine the number of people you invite. At the end of the day, you can only invite as many people as you can afford to accommodate.
- Remember, if you invite more number of people, you would definitely end up running into financial crises and would have to cut back on other areas of the wedding.
- Personal preference is another determining factor, when it comes to deciding the wedding size. While some couples love lavish weddings and extended list of guests, there are others, who prefer it to be a close knit affair, attended by only extremely close friends and relatives.
- The wedding venue would be an influential factor on deciding the size of the venue. Make sure that the venue you are eyeing for has umpteen spaces, so fit in all your guests comfortably. In case, the venue you have chosen is your favorite, but with lesser space, make sure you cut down on your guest list.
- Once you prepare the guest lists, make sure you consult with your parents. There may a person or two whom your parents also would love to invite.
- Once you have decided the number of people you are going to invite, say 100 or 150, the nest step would be to decide who would feature in the invite list. It can be a really difficult task, as sometimes you might even have to cut down on a few people.
- Apparently, the bride takes half the number of the guests list, while the groom invites the other half. However, things are not as easy in practicality as they seem theoretically. Your partner would want to invite some more people or have a bigger family than yours, which means you have to cut down on your guest list.
- In case, you have to cut down on your guest list, remember, there are two groups of people you should start with - first, cut down on your colleagues, unless they are extremely close friends. The other option would be not to invite children.
- If there are certain people whom you feel you have to invite or whom you are sending invite due to guilt, just leave them. Remember, you can invite someone else whom you are close with.
- Couple invitation or solo invites would solve your problem to some extent. For close friends who are married, make sure you invite both of them. However, if you are inviting colleagues or acquaintances, you can send out a solo invitation.